Are Your Impending Car Repairs Arising from A Declining Oxygen Sensor?

Automotive Blog

When the check engine light goes off, some motorists assume that they have a bit more mileage to go before they need to take their vehicle to a mechanic. And although this may be the case for some minor issues, it should never be the approach that you take since the check engine light can mean any number of things have gone wrong with your engine! One auto part that is crucial to the overall functioning of this system is the oxygen sensor.

This component measures the amounts of oxygen present in the exhaust produced by the engine. The Powertrain Control Module analyses these levels and will then alter the ratio of fuel and air as needed! Nonetheless, not many motorists are aware of what to look for when the oxygen sensor is in jeopardy, which not only compromises the engine system but also adversely impacts the environment. Read on to determine if your impeding car repairs are arising from a declining oxygen sensor.

Your fuel economy is worsening progressively

One of the leading symptoms of a malfunctioning oxygen sensor is declining fuel mileage. Since the oxygen sensor is tasked with producing the proper fuel-to-air ratio readings so that the PCM can control these levels precisely, a compromised oxygen sensor will typically lead to an increase in both air and fuel. With an excessive amount of fuel available, the engine burns through more of it than normal. Consequently, you find that you have to keep refuelling more frequently than you did before.

It is also important to note that too much fuel in the engine will usually cause a rotten egg odour to seep into the car, and this can be blamed on the high sulphuric content in the engine. Some motorists may also notice that their exhaust smoke has turned black over time. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential that you seek car repairs immediately or you stand the chance of irreparable damage to both the oxygen sensor and the engine at large.

Your engine is behaving abnormally

Speaking of eventual damage to your engine, the second symptom of a potentially defective oxygen sensor is when you begin to notice that your engine is not behaving as it normally does. This can manifest in several ways. Most commonly, motorists tend to complain about rough idling, which is a typical symptom of oxygen sensor failure.

Other problems that you may notice that your engine has developed seemingly spontaneously include diminished performance that makes it difficult for your car to accelerate as fast as it normally does, stalling of the vehicle and even complete loss of engine power! Although some of these symptoms can come about due to other underlying auto problems, you should know that the oxygen sensor's output does influence elements such as combustion intervals, engine timing and more, which will all impact the functioning of the engine.

To learn more, contact a car repair shop.


16 February 2021

I Like Driving in My Car

Hello, my name is Brian and if there is one thing I like to do, it is to go driving in my car. There is no better way to relax and unwind than heading out on the open road. I am not an auto mechanic or a car dealer, but over the years I have spent many years working with people such people and they have been kind enough to teach me a thing or two about buying and maintain automobiles. I have decided to start this blog so I can share everything I have learnt with the rest of the world.